What’s on your library shelf? I’m frequently asked about reference books for Irish research, and it’s been a while since I updated the list. Here are some of my favorites. This is not a comprehensive list, but it covers the basics. Your personal library will depend on your specific area of research, so I’ve divided the list into a couple of different categories. You should also check with your local library to see if the books are available. Don’t forget about WorldCat.org to find the closest library which might have copies. I’ve also given you links directly to Amazon.
Since research begins at home, here are some books on US research and Methodology.
1. Board for Certification of Genealogists, Genealogy Standards: 2nd Edition, Ancestry, 2019. (Available for Kindle)
2. Eichholz, Alice (Ed.), Ancestry’s RedBook, 3rd Edition American State, Country & Town Sources, Ancestry, Salt Lake City, 2004. (Available for Kindle)*
3. Jones, Thomas W., Mastering Genealogical Proof, National Genealogical Society, Arlington, Virginia, 2013. (Available for Kindle)
4. Mills, Elizabeth Shown. Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1997.
5. _______. Evidence Explained: History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace 3rd Edition Revised, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 2017. (Available for Kindle)
6. Szucs, Loretto Dennis and Luebking, Sandra Hargreaves, (Ed.), The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy, Third Edition, Ancestry, Salt Lake City, 2006.*
*Both The RedBook and The Source can be found on the RootsWeb Wiki.
Irish Research
7. Grenham, John, Tracing Your Irish Ancestors, 5th Edition, Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., Baltimore 2019.
8. Helferty and Raymond Refaussé, Directory of Irish Archives, Fifth Edition, Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2011. (Available for Kindle)
9. McGee, Frances, The Archives of the Valuation of Ireland 1830-1865, Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2018.
10. Mitchell, Brian, A New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland, Second Edition (Revised), Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, 2017.
11. Reilly, James R. CGRS, Richard Griffith and His Valuations of Ireland, Genealogical Publishing Co., 2000. (This book is frequently out of print, but you may be able to get a used copy.)
12. The General Alphabetical Index To the Townlands and Towns, Parishes and Baronies of Ireland, Dublin, 1851; Reprinted by Clearfield Co., Baltimore, 2006. (Reprint)
13. Finding Your ______ Ancestors. This is a series of books on various counties in Ireland.
Scots-Irish Research
14. Dickson, R.J., Ulster Emigration to Colonial America 1718-1775, Ulster Historical Foundation, Belfast 1966.
15. Roulston, William J., Researching Scots-Irish Ancestors, The Essential Genealogical Guide to Early Modern Ulster, 1600-1800, 2nd edition, Ulster Historical Foundation, Belfast, 2018. (Available for Kindle)
Happy Hunting!
Registration opened last week for the 2019 Research Trips to Belfast and Dublin. I’ve already received some registrations, so if you’re interested don’t delay. I only take 15 researchers on each trip.